Monday, June 16, 2008

The Day I Left

Well, school is done, and I wanted to post a poem in honor of that, but was at a total loss. I guess that will have to wait until next week, when I have sufficiently recovered. Until then, enjoy this one. I know the subject is a little on the melancholy side, but it has a light tone to it. And if there's anything I enjoy, it's mixing melancholia and cheerfulness. You probably think I'm joking, but I'm not; it's the Brit in me.

The Day I Left

The day I left, I lost your heart.
I thought I kept it, but I fear
it slipped away, as we apart,
and now I cannot find it here.

So long I hoped that it would stay
obscured from every searching eye,
alone for me, and for the day
that I could take my footsteps by.

But when I came, your heart was gone;
the ground beneath was cold and bare.
You left me here to search, alone,
and I can’t find it anywhere.

1 comment:

Swordfish said...

thats really sad, many of the marines I know have this experience