Saturday, May 16, 2009

Loss and Gain

It's shaping up to be a beautiful weekend, so go out there, you fortunate Portlanders, and explore the shadowy corners of your city, laid bare in this brilliant sunlight. Listen to street music, plant gardens, walk without a purpose, and, above all, be observant. The world says amazing things when you stop talking long enough to listen.

Loss and Gain

It is in giving that I take
(a selfish gift, at most),
to prove the sorry self I make
a much appealing host,

but there is sadness in this hall
that disport cannot hide;
a crowd of empty rooms that pall
and pale so, inside,

and until they are furnished well,
my winter will remain
the only friend to fill this shell
and talk of things I cannot tell,
of loss that will be gain.


Cora Malfoy said...

And what are we NON-portlanders supposed to do?

Let you have all the fun? NO...

Cartesian Quies said...

Oh, I can only hope that everyone is having as much fun as we are. Maybe next week, I'll write something for those of you still putting up with the rain...

Cora Malfoy said...

Thank you, thats better...

Today it wasnt rainy...actually a bit to hot...oh my...

I spent the day with 5 perverted boys..ugh...

Cartesian Quies said...

Why don't you have a blog, Miss Malfoy? Get a blog.

Cora Malfoy said...

Sorry, me mum wont allow it...
But thena again...if we can convince my sister not to tell on me...I might be able to...