Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Well, I missed a week and a half, so I apologize to my audience, such as it is... Life has been busy. But here is a counterpart to the last poem (in form, at least; not content). I figure, as long as I'm posting quasi-free verse, I may as well make a run of it.


The poet freed
from the bounds of meter and rhyme
is a sad creature indeed,
who has traded aspiration
for instant gratification,
and freedom for license,
and just as abstract art and atonality
have replaced the form with banality
and formlessness and worse,
so to free verse
has abandoned the ancient verbal melodies.
But, alas,
even these lesser songs
have a place and time,
as here and now.


Zosia (z•O•sha') said...

would you count t.s. elliot's works among those lesser songs?

Cartesian Quies said...

ok, i can exempt eliot, and dylan thomas, too...

Zosia (z•O•sha') said...

well then, I shant send fire and brimstone to destroy you.....

Anonymous said...

I love it

Cartesian Quies said...

thanks, anonymous! it's great to know people are still discovering my little corner of the internet.