Monday, January 28, 2008

Concerning the Poet

Here's a bit of self-reflective poetry for your enjoyment. Though not humorous, there is certainly nothing heavy or serious about it. The pattern and cadence of the words is meant to evoke the rolling, unpredictable path that would lead through the thoughts of a poet, leaving one feeling refreshed and maybe just a little bit happier.

Concerning the Poet

The poet’s heart is not so different
from the poet’s mind,
for both desire truth and tumble
ever on to find,
through paths erratic, beauty, be it
hid in common clay,
and so proclaim their wonders found
in most beautiful way.


Zosia (z•O•sha') said...

I like the poetry. I don't suppose you can guess who I am. Actually, it's very obvious, but I'll let you guess all the same.

Cartesian Quies said...

Haha, hmm, Sophie?

Zosia (z•O•sha') said...

see, you're a smart Catesian...even if you're quiet!